Club Tortimer Island Hopping

Rolf was feeling better today, and he thanked me for all the medicine I took him over the past few days. As a reward, he gave me his picture again.

Rolf: It's not much, but here. You can have my Rolf's pic!Katrina had her tent set up near the town tree, so I paid her to tell my fortune. She told me to wear women’s bottoms. No thanks.

Visiting Katrina in her tent.After making my rounds, I went up to Main Street to identify a fossil and do some shopping. The Able Sisters had a Santa beard for sale, so I tried it on and bought it.

Me trying on the Santa beard as Labelle tells me it looks cute and wonderful.When I returned to town, Aurora told me she keeps having a dream about a raptor torso. I’m not sure I want to know what she does with the raptor torso, but I sold her mine for 3,000 bells.

Aurora: I keep having this dream about a raptor torso.To get away from the cold, I took some trips out to the island. I first went to my own island, and then visited some other islands using my Club Tortimer membership. This blue wet suit caught my eye, and I decided to buy it.

Grams: Aye. A blue wet suit.I was on an island with Tania from Megaton…but Tania didn’t seem to be around. She never responded when I said hello. And she just stood there the whole time.

Me saying hello to a non-responsive bunny named Tania.So I decided to try another Club Tortimer island instead. This time I was paired up with someone named Eight from the town of Hikone.

Saying hello to Eight.But this island had no trees! Eight said that someone who was there earlier cut them all down. There were a few stumps, however…and that turned out to be a good thing for me. I caught a longhorn beetle on a stump, and it was my first one! So I actually needed it anyway.

I caught a longhorn beetle! I had to steer it toward my net!Before I left the island, I stopped to take a picture of the sky. It was an unusual orangish color I don’t recall seeing before. I’m guessing it may have been morning on the island.

An orange morning sky on a Club Tortimer island.I then left the tropical island behind and returned to cold, snowy Forest. At least my Christmas tree looks nice in the snow.

Sitting on the bench in the snow, near my illuminated tree.I went over to Kidd’s house, and he told me it was too late for his petition. That’s okay, because I never got the signatures anyway. But then he started telling me that he saw Teddy and Tabby spending time together!

Kidd: Guess what I saw! Teddy and Tabby spending time together!He said they were drinking ginger ale together and their friendship must be in good shape.

Kidd: This must mean that their friendship is in good shape, nahhhhhh.Later on, Skye (the human) told me that she had a red Pikmin I was looking for. She invited me over to come get it. Since she’s in Australia, it was already December 11th for her, which meant snow covered the ground in her town.

Jeff and Skye holding snowflakes.Her town is really coming along nicely.

Nice paths in Skye's town of Charvale.I soon returned to Forest and put the red Pikmin on one of my mannequins.

My three Pikmin mannequins.That wrapped up my evening in New Leaf, but I’m looking forward to the snow on the ground tomorrow! What are you most looking forward to about winter?

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