Katie Drops Her Ticket

The snowboy sent me this snowman lamp in the mail today. Despite the expression on my face, I actually like the lamp.

My new snowman lamp.Outside, Molly saw me walking with a shovel and she was afraid I was going to pitfall her! I wouldn’t pitfall you, Molly!

Molly: I see... You'd better not be digging random holes for me to fall into!There was an igloo at the campsite today, so I went in to check it out. Jay was inside, talking about how far he had to run to get to my town.

Jay: I wonder how far I ran... Maybe a hundred miles or so?
You’re a bird, why didn’t you fly??

I went to my snowman and rolled his eyes. He rolled a 22, and that gave me a bingo! Finally!

Snowman: BINGOOOOO!He gave me a snow machine. Just what I wanted!

My new snow machine! I love it!I built another snowman so that I could get a new bingo card, and then Tom asked me to visit his town. Katie was in my town, so I tried to take her with me. But as she was boarding the train, she dropped her ticket.

Katie drops her ticket as she boards the train.She went out to pick it up, but it was too late. The train door shut and she couldn’t follow me.

Porter: Have a safe trip! Eek eek!I believe this happens if the destination town has already had Katie recently. It would be quite annoying if you kept getting her every day or two! She’s annoying enough as it is. Once I arrived in Tomville, Tom showed me his failed snowman. His friend Kippei also joined in.

Tom's failed snowman with a huge body and tiny head.We tried glitching onto Tom’s well, but we couldn’t get it to work. Tom’s Re-Tail was offering premium prices for peaches, but perfect peaches wouldn’t count towards the bonus.

Once Tom sent us home, I updated my dream town at the Dream Suite. Luna told me that Rose from RoseHill was my most recent dream visitor.

Kim let me know that she needed my bingo numbers, so I opened the gate for her. After getting her numbers, she sat on my town tree to take a look at my town history. According to the tree, Kim was my 222nd visitor.

Visitors to Forest so far: 222 people.Later on, I updated my town tune. Instead of Deck the Halls, I went with Saria’s Song from The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. I also made a new pattern, the Nintendo logo. It isn’t quite as sharp as I hoped, but there’s only so much you can do with 32 pixels of width.

My Nintendo logo flag.If you’d like the pattern, you can scan it from the QR Codes page.

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