Helping Molly and Kidd

Tonight, Molly asked me for a butterfly. It seems like everything she says comes out oozing cuteness.

Molly: Besides being good company, I think having a bug buddy would make my home feel so much homier.I went to visit Kidd, and I saw that he was sick and out of medicine. (Although villagers never take their own medicine anyway).

Kidd: I have no medicine left... And I think I'm hitting the sickest point...I also stopped in Rolf’s house nearby, and Skye was visiting him. But they were both staring off in different directions. It was kind of weird.

Skye visits Rolf, but they both look away from each other.The stores were closed (as usual), so I had to resort to Plan B for getting some medicine for Kidd. So I purposely got stung by bees.

Ow! Ow ow ow... I got stung by bees!I went around talking to my villagers, hoping that someone would give me some medicine. However, Frank wasn’t very understanding.

Frank: Whoa! What's up with your face?!My face? What’s up with your face?! He was being a jerk.

Frank: It hurts my face just looking at you!So instead of using that net for catching bugs, I used it to whack a different kind of pest: a green bird that was bugging me. Then he really got in my face. Literally!

Frank: You need to watch where you're swinging that thing! It's dangerous!I moved on and soon ran into this little piggy.

Gala: Oh, that's right! I happen to have some medicine on me! You can take it to reduce the swelling.She gave me the medicine I needed! Thanks, Gala! I’m taking you off the dinner menu for a while. I then returned to Kidd and told him I had medicine for him. He asked if I was a nurse! Do I look like a nurse to you?

Kidd: Are you...a nurse?But he took his medicine and he said it felt like it will start working soon.

Up at the Dream Suite, Luna told me that Nicko from Knotvill was my most recent dream visitor. I was about to finish up for the night, when I remembered Molly still needed that butterfly.

I don’t need the money from selling my island catches any more, so I’ve started leaving the bugs and fish I catch there in the pick-up box at the dock. It’s helpful for villager requests (they like asking for butterflies) as well as fishing tournaments and bug-off competitions.

Checking my dock box.I pulled out an emperor butterfly for Molly and took it back to her. She thanked me and gave me a blue clock as my reward.

Molly: Hey! Thank you! This emperor butterfly makes me so happy!

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