Kidd’s Birthday

It was raining again in Forest today. Since the rainy season is clearly here now, I decided to switch the town ordinance back to “night owl.” It will go into effect tomorrow.

Isabelle: Oh! So you want to sign the Night Owl ordinance into law?I updated my dream town, and Luna told me Baober from Bailiwik was my most recent dream visitor. I headed over to Tom’s town and I let him catalog my smoker. Aggie was also there. As for Tom, he was wearing his Tingle hood.

Tom41: Kooloolimpah!I also spoke with Marshal, and he thought I came over just to hear the latest gossip about Tom!

Marshal: You came to look for gossip about the mayor of Tomville, right?Tom and I were blowing bubbles at Aggie, who was away from her 3DS.

Blowing bubbles.Tom did some glitching, and he began swimming in mid-air.

Tom uses a glitch to swim in mid-air.His battery light turned red, so he quickly ended the party.

Back in Forest, I headed over to Kidd’s house. Today was his birthday, and Molly was there helping him celebrate. He asked if I brought him a present, and I gave him a customized ranch tea table. He obviously wasn’t very happy with it, although he said he neither liked nor disliked it.

Kidd: Uh, your gift isn't really something I like or dislike. I really have no strong opinion either way...And then he flat out said he wasn’t too wild about it. Thanks a lot.

Kidd: It's just that I'm not too wild about the ranch tea table!But aside from my present, he seemed to be enjoying his birthday. He was singing/whistling and dancing, as was Molly.

I went back outside, and Rolf told me that “rain falls on good peeps and bad.”

Rolf: Have you ever heard the phrase, "Rain falls on good peeps and bad?"Before I was done for the day, I headed up to Club LOL to catch a performance from K.K. See you all next time!

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