Independence Day

Kidd was sick today, so I went up to the Emporium to buy him some medicine. But he indicated that he’s going to need more medicine in the coming days.

Kidd takes his medicine.Gulliver was down on the beach, and I was able to determine he’s headed to Vietnam. He will send me a gift from there tomorrow.

Gulliver: Phooooooo! That's right! It's Vietnam! I remember now!And today is the 4th of July, also known as Independence Day in the United States. Unfortunately, New Leaf doesn’t recognize this as a holiday (unlike the GameCube version of Animal Crossing). But I took matters into my own hands by making a pattern of the U.S. flag.

QR code of the American flag.It’s impossible to make it perfectly in a 32 x 32 grid, but I think I came pretty close. It has 16 stripes instead of 13, and 49 stars instead of 50. But I’m happy with how it turned out. I put the new flag up at town hall.

My American flag at town hall.Happy 4th of July to all of the Americans reading this! And have a great weekend, everyone!