Preparing for the Holidays

In the Able Sisters, I decided it was time to think about putting my Santa costume together. So I started out by buying some Santa pants–that’s all they had for today.

Mabel: Ah, some Santa pants. Isn't that cute look really nice?I was glad to see it was snowing in Forest this evening. Big Top was worried that it would all melt away overnight…and he’s right. We still have a few more days until the snow sticks to the ground.

Big Top: You don't think all this snow will melt away tonight, do you? I'm so worried, I can't sleep.Thanks to a tip from Squishy, I learned that the holiday stocking can be customized. The only option was to make it aqua, but that’s fine by me.

Cyrus: The sock color gets the ol' Aqua design. Sure! Got it!So I made sure to pick it up when it was done. It looks really nice! Thanks for the tip, Squishy! I don’t normally think of customizing items from holidays or special events, since most of them can’t be altered.

Take home the holiday stocking?In front of my metal bench, Sprinkle told me that she had a scoreboard in her pocket! Wow, and I thought my pockets were big!

Sprinkle: Hey, hey! Guess what I've got in my pockets right now? Yeah, it's a scoreboard!I saw a big snowflake floating around, so I got my net out and caught it! I can’t exchange it for ice furniture until I build a snowmam though, and that can’t be done until snow covers the ground. But it’s still fun to catch them!

Wow! A snowflake! I should be gentle with it so it doesn't melt!Up at the Dream Suite, Luna told me that Lulu from Solitude was my most recent dream visitor.

And I finished my day in town hall, where I changed my town tune. Since Christmas is rapidly approaching, I changed my tune to Deck the Halls. Here are the notes if you’d like to do the same:

Town tune for Deck the Halls. (Animal Crossing)

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