Petition for Finding Rolf’s Keys

I haven’t bought turnips the past two Sundays, but I made sure to buy some today. Joan was selling them for 94 bells each, and I purchased 3,100 of them. I just hope I remember to check turnip prices this week. It’s easy to forget once you’re out of the habit.

Joan: The asking price is 94 bells per turnip. What do you think, kiddo?Rolf told me he was collecting signatures for “Finding My Keys.” That sounded like a good cause, so I agreed to help him out.

Rolf: I'm collecting signatures for Finding My Keys, but I don't have enough people yet.Tom41 opened up his gate a bit later, so I headed over to Tomville. His friends Tricia and Chaceyj were also there. I began to look for animals, and Pippy was my first victim volunteer.

Pippy: Hey? This is a petition, isn't it? Hmmm, Finding My Keys. I bet you want my signature.As I made my way around town, I saw Tricia standing still. And for a split second, I thought she was an animal, so I started to walk towards her to ask her to sign my petition. Oops!

Mistaking Tricia for an animal.I kept running into animals whose names began with the letter “P.” Peanut provided the last signature I needed.

Peanut: There. I'm happy to put my name down for this. And hey, your list is totally full now!Four of the six signatures were from “P” names.

Petition signatures: Pippy, Patty, Dora, Marcie, Peggy, Peanut.Tom was having a bad luck day, so he was wearing the Tingle hood. He’s also been playing Majora’s Mask 3D on his New 3DS lately. So I joked that he could sell himself a map.

Jeff: You can sell yourself a map.When Tom’s battery turned red, he turned into Resetti and told us all to “Scram!” as he ended the session. Back in Forest, I gave Rolf the completed petition. He rewarded me with an aroma pot.

Rolf: Here. Have this for the help! It's an aroma pot!I went up to the Dream Suite to update my dream town, and Luna told me that Gabriel from Berryway was my most recent dream visitor.

And back in town, I acquired a previous DLC item in an unusual fashion: Drago offered me a Libra scale in exchange for a fossil I had in my pockets.

Drago: Let's make a deal! Wanna trade your plesio skull for my Libra scale?Tomorrow is Festivale, so I’ll be back with another blog entry then. If you’re new to Festivale or want a refresher on how it works, be sure to check out my Festivale Guide!

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