Showcase Flowers

Yesterday, Dizzy told me he wanted to move out of town on November 15th. Of course, I made him stay.

Dizzy: Don't freak out, but I'm planning on moving away on the 15th of this month.Deli the monkey was camping in the campsite. I think he would drive me bananas if he lived in town.

Deli: I'm here camping in town, so you'll be seeing me around for a bit!While up in the Happy Homes Showcase, I noticed that each area of homes has a different flower color. For example, the flowers in the left section are all red.

Red flowers in the Happy Homes Showcase.The middle (top) section has white flowers and the right section has yellow flowers. These colors are also represented near the entrance to each area from the starting point.

The entrance to the three sections of the Happy Homes Showcase.Today, I saw a dig spot in the northwest corner of town. Thinking it was either a fossil or gyroid, I dug it up. I quickly discovered that it was actually Dizzy’s time capsule that I buried a couple weeks ago. Oops!

Accidentally digging up a time capsule.Unfortunately, the game would not let me bury it again! I already know not to open it up, but I guess I’m going to be stuck with it for a while. Hopefully Dizzy will ask for it soon.

Up at the Dream Suite, Luna told me that Sabrina from Abstruse was my most recent dream visitor.

Reminder: It’s Friday Night Forest week! I’ll be opening my gate for my 3DS friends on Friday night around 10pm Eastern Standard Time.