Harvest Festival 2015

Yesterday, I messed up Don’s coffee at the Roost, and he threatened me! He said he should bring his little brother there so they can rough up the joint! Wow, and I thought Don was the nice one. Apparently it’s a family of hotheads that can’t control their temper. Now that I see what a jerk he is, I’m glad I made his coffee wrong!

Don: I should bring my little brother here so we can rough up the joint...I found Molly taking a nap on the town’s metal bench.

Molly napping on the bench.I joined her for a moment.

Sitting with Molly on the bench.And today was Thanksgiving, which is known as the harvest festival in the game. I met up with Franklin at the event plaza and he started asking me for ingredients for the big holiday meal.

The big hubbub today is about celebrating the fall bounty. It's the Harvest Festival!I began asking my villagers for the ingredients, although they’ll only help you if you have a certain ingredient for them. That means a lot of fishing will be required, unless you thought to stock up on fish ahead of time.

Molly: You'll trade with me? Thank you! Here. I can give you my beehive.I took the time to get the ingredients right, including the secret ingredients as I helped Franklin make fruit salad, a mushroom bisque, and sauteed sea bass.

Cooking with Franklin.The last dish was a mixed-fruit pie. One of my villagers told me a beehive (honey) was the secret ingredient for fruit pie. But when I gave Franklin everything, he said the secret ingredient was wrong! No way! I spent a lot of time making sure I was right! Ughhh!

Franklin: I have a feeling there's a better secret ingredient out there...So I made sure to get one last ingredient very right. Sorry to be a pain in the neck, Franklin, but it’s time for dinner.

About to use my axe on Franklin.My recent dream visitors have been Amelia from Crescent (Tuesday), Jack from Cheshire (yesterday), and Emily from Hell (today).

Thanks for stopping by. I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving and/or harvest festival!