My Penpal Peck

On Sunday, after doing my normal tasks around town, I set my 3DS down for a few minutes and left the room. I’m not sure exactly how long I was gone, but I didn’t think it was that long. When I came back, my 3DS was off! The battery light wasn’t even red yet when I left, so I didn’t think the battery would die that quick. But it did, and I had to deal with Resetti when I started the game back up.

Resetti asks for an explanation.I didn’t feel like re-doing everything again so I only played a couple more minutes and then wrapped it up.

Yesterday, I headed to Funtown to deliver some villager pictures to Gen. I hope you’re enjoying the pics!

Visiting Gen in FuntownLately I’ve been buying a pack of paper each day to write letters. I usually send letters just to Velma and Pashmina, since I don’t plan on keeping them in my town forever. That way, any nonsense letters (hopefully) won’t be seen much by visitors to my town. But I decided to send a letter to Peck as well.

Jeff's letter to Peck.Today, I found a reply from Peck in my mailbox. It seemed as if he actually understood the letter.

Peck's replyUhh… “Big Peck?”

Pashmina asked me for a cherry today. Well actually, it was more of a demand than a request.

Pashmina demands a cherry.I told her I would get one for her. She wasn’t joking around, though. She was taking this very seriously!

20160126_HNI_0042I gave her a perfect cherry, and she really enjoyed it. I don’t know if I’ve ever seen her eyes open that wide before.

Pashmina loves the cherry I gave her.She only rewarded me with a polka-dot low table, though. Not exactly the best reward, but at least she didn’t have to kill me.

Over by my western bridge, Velma gave me a shirt for free. Somehow she knew I didn’t really care for it. She said I could throw it in the garbage can nearby, but there is no garbage can nearby. I wouldn’t throw it away! I took it to Re-Tail and sold it for a few bells.

Velma tells me it's okay to throw her gift away.

Up at the Dream Suite, Luna told me that Paris from Appley was my most recent dream visitor. Troy from London and Timber from Xing have also visited lately. Thanks for stopping by! 🙂

7 thoughts on “My Penpal Peck”

  1. That’s strange. I’m not sure how quickly these New 3DS charger packs run out once they turn red, but with the lid closed mine lasts 12+ hours a day (I carry mine with me), and it’ll still be on blue when I plug it in to charge overnight.

    And it’s not like the power button is easy to press.

    Oh but I know my old DS would last for around 40 minutes once it turned red so I’m guessing these are the same? Not sure, but maybe you were gone that long?

  2. That’s odd. I’d say it’s because the battery pack is old, but this is the New 3Ds you got a few months ago, right?
    I don’t know anything about New 3Ds battery life, but the 3Ds I’ve had since Novemeber 2014 can go over six hours in sleep mode with the light flashing red. My guess is that the power button was accidently pressed somehow.

    1. Yeah, this is the New 3DS XL. The power button wasn’t pushed, but maybe the red light was just about to come on and I just caught it at a bad time. Oh well, no harm done.

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