Molly’s Birthday 2018

Last night, Boots asked me for some new furniture. So I gave him a flea. It’s hard to imagine anyone being happy with a flea when they requested furniture, but he seemed to enjoy it. He said he’s going to train it to be the world’s most athletic bug. Well, they are strong jumpers.

Boots: Is this... Are you really giving me a flea?Boots: This is so cool! I'm totally going to train it. It'll be the world's most athletic bug!

He rewarded me with a plaster wall.

Today, I saw some butterflies flying around. I always enjoy the first butterflies of the season, because they are a welcome sign that spring has arrived.

I caught a tiger butterfly! Looks like I pounced first! 110.5mm

It’s Molly’s birthday, and she was celebrating in her house with Vivian.

Vivian helps Molly celebrate her birthday in Animal Crossing: New Leaf.

This is the 5th year that Molly has celebrated a birthday in Forest. And she’s celebrated with someone different each time. In case you’re curious, here’s the list:

Should I feel bad for letting her best friend move out every year? Oops. 😛 Also, I noticed she hasn’t changed her wallpaper or carpeting in all that time.

Anyway, I gave Molly a chocolate heart for her birthday. She seemed to enjoy it.

Molly: Oh, this looks delicious! I was just thinking about having another snack.

Vivian was also having a good time at the party.

Vivian: Nothing beats a birthday party. The gifts, the games, the cake...and the frosting. Mmmm!

I got a peeing statue (Manneken Pis) in the mail today, after helping Gulliver yesterday. Hornsby noticed I had it (maybe it was leaking out of my pockets), and he asked to trade a black-denim jacket for it. I agreed to the trade.

Hornsby: So how about trading your Manneken Pis for my black-denim jacket?

Bob told me he was planning on moving out of town on St. Patrick’s Day, March 17th. But I’m not letting him leave yet, so I played the role of shamrock blocker.

Bob: Wow, I didn't think you'd care that much. Well, if you really want me to stay in Forest, then I will!

I then went up to Shampoodle, and used a certain hair guide to make my annual transformation into Mohawk McClover.

My 2018 transformation into Mohawk McClover.

My recent dream visitors have been Gabby from Bliss, Mayounna from Amy Rose, Ryan from Old Aik, and Lovely from Rose. Thanks for stopping by!