Aurora’s Salad Memory

Aurora recently told me of a nice memory she had. Her mom made salads with fresh tomatoes from their garden. I don’t know why that seems so cute, but it just does. 😛 Maybe because we don’t think of villagers as once being kids. I bet Aurora was a cute baby penguin!

Aurora: My mom would make salads with fresh tomatoes from our garden.

On Thursday, there was an animal camping at the campsite. Unfortunately, it was Gloria the ugly duckling. I wouldn’t invite her to move in if she was the last duck on Earth.

Gloria, at the campsite: Hey, are you from around here?

Rolf then asked me to dig up his time capsule.

Rolf: Do you remember that time capsule I had you bury a while ago?

It had a shearling coat inside, and that’s what Rolf gave me for my trouble. How exciting.

Rolf: I'll give this to you as a thank-you. So here ya go--one recently dug gift: a shearling coat!
I should re-bury it. In the dump.

Last night, Bones was sitting on the yellow bench. He asked me to join him, so I did. At least for a moment.

Bones: Come chill out on this bench with me, skippy!

Today, I re-visited the dream town of Highway (dream address 1C00-0028-2D9F). It’s the town with the city streets, crosswalks, etc. At first I thought that the gas station was gone, because it wasn’t where it once was. But then I found it across the river. Apparently a villager moved into the spot where it had been, so the mayor had to move it.

The gas station in Highway.

Back in Forest, I spotted Pete the mailbird. I sure don’t run into him very much!

Pete: Wow, this mailbag is HEAVY! Haven't these people ever heard of a phone conversation?

Tonight is the last night of fireflies. Even though they’re not valuable or anything, I enjoy seeing them each June.

My recent dream visitors have been Lyra from Citrolia, Peachy from Lavamoun, Hyacinth from Valyria, Dany from Fantasy, Teren from SmolTown, Katelyn from Lotto, Michael from AeroTown, and BranDex from Luna. Thank for stopping by, and enjoy your weekend! I’ll be back with another entry on Monday.