Traps, Attacks, and Holes

Late last night, Jessica came over to test our connections. She hadn’t played with me since I got my new router, so we wanted to make sure we could connect now. Fortunately, it worked with no problems.

She started up the game too late in the day to get her Resetti model, so I gave her mine. I also had a hat to give her. I invited her over to the snowman to get a bingo number she needed…but I was hiding behind the snowman with my hammer ready. She stopped to talk to Teddy and…BAM! Surprise!

Surprise attack on Jessica!Jessica: YOU LURED ME INTO TRAP!But a bit later, she got her revenge as I was talking to Teddy myself. Teddy seemed to know exactly what was going on. 😛

Teddy: Is the enemy finally attacking us?By this time, we both had major head wounds, so I ended the party for the night. Then today, the snowboy sent me this snowman TV in the mail.

A snowman TV.I was playing later in the day than usual, so I didn’t get to exchange bingo numbers with Tom today (sorry Tom!). But I built a perfect snowboy and then headed up to Main Street. Luna told me my most recent dream visitor was Bijou from Peril. In Club LOL, I put a mega tootoid (which I dug up in town) up on the stage. I want to have four farting gyroids on stage, so I’m halfway there.

A couple of farting tootoids on stage.Kim came over to get a bingo number, and I showed her the fall-into-a-hole-from-the-bench trick.

Sitting on the bench with Kim.Falling in holes with Kim.I was headed out to the island to check today’s gift shop items, so I asked if Kim wanted to come too. She did, and we did a couple of tours on the island while we were there.

Me and Kim celebrating a successful tour.We then returned to shore and I ended the party. I saw Saharah, and I paid her to redo my house. She installed an ornate wall and a sporty floor. Not the best combination.

An ornate wall and sporty floor.Later on, I went out to some Club Tortimer islands. On one of the islands, I met Emma, who told me that her birthday is tomorrow. (Happy birthday!) We agreed to go on an easy labyrinth tour, so I chose it and I began to sit down as she was putting her bugs or fish away.

However, I found out that Club Tortimer tours work differently from regular tours with friends. As soon as I sat down, the tour began…without her! I’ve made a huge mistake. To make matters worse, when I was done, I was put on a different island! Fortunately, she had told me her Tumblr account, so I sent her an apology there.

Anyway, I ended up on an island with Star#1 from NtdoLand. He actually knew me from my Youtube channel, although he doesn’t read my blog.

Star#1 and me on a Club Tortimer island.As for my mermaid/cabana collections, I found a cabana vanity today and that’s it. So I have 8/13 cabana items and still 11/13 mermaid items. So the contest is still at least a few days away still. Hopefully I’ll have more time tomorrow to island hop than I did today.

Groundhog Day

Joan was selling turnips for 92 bells each this morning, so I bought 1,200 of them again this week. I’ll probably keep buying them until I get all of the turnip badges.

Joan: So 1,200 turnips comes out to be... 110,400 bells altogether. Do you wanna buy them?I found both of today’s snowballs, so I put them together and built a perfect snowboy.

Snowboy: PERFECT SNOWBOY!Today is Groundhog Day in America, so Isabelle was at the event plaza handing out Resetti models.

Isabelle: It's a Resetti model! Please take it in celebration of our town's Groundhog Day!There was also a face-cutout standee featuring Resetti.

The Resetti faceboard for Groundhog Day.I then went to my house to take a look at the Resetti model, and it looks the same as it did in City Folk.

The Resetti model.Tom came over to get a bingo number and check out the holiday standee. As he did, I was using the outrage emotion to simulate Resetti’s anger. Tom wanted to switch places, so I stuck my head through the hole as he was doing different emotions. At one point, his crown appeared through the cutout.

The Groundhog Day standee.After he left, I made a quick visit to his town to collect bingo numbers too. But I quickly returned home to finish watering my flowers. When I was done, I headed up to the Dream Suite to update my dream town. Luna told me that Noah from Iguaria was my most recent dream visitor.

I then did some island hopping to continue shopping for mermaid and cabana furniture. At one of my stops, I found a kitchen island for sale. It’s kind of funny how Nintendo made the kitchen island an island exclusive item.

Grams: Aye, a kitchen island? Ye be seein' a nice item tharrrrr. I'll give it to ye for 30 medals.I bought it and then sold it on Tumblr to Jake from Pinetree. Later on, I did some more island hopping. On one island, Grace from Baytown asked me to go on some tours, so I did a couple of them with her. She was sad to see me go when I was done, though. But thanks for the tours, Grace.

Grace and Jeff on the island.I now have 11 of 13 mermaid items and 7 of 13 cabana items. I’m still hoping to begin the contest for the mermaid set at some point this week. I’ll keep you updated.

Aurora Screen DLC

Today, Kidd sent me a letter saying that every time he hears K.K. Faire, he starts thinking of me. K.K. Faire has always been one of my favorite songs, so that makes a lot of sense. I just don’t know how Kidd knew about it!

Dear Jeff, Somehow, I start thinking of you every time I listen to K.K. Faire at home. -KiddIt was snowing in town today, and Agent S seemed to appreciate that fact as much as I did.

Agent S: Woohoo! I don't care how cold it is! All this snow is marvelous, sidekick.I went over to my snowman and he rolled a number 40. That gave me a bingo!

Snowman: BINGOOOOO!He gave me a bobsled as a prize. Before taking a look at it, I went up to the post office. The new month brings a new DLC item, the aurora screen.

Pelly: Sorry to keep you waiting! I hope you enjoy your new aurora screen!I actually already had one, because it was available in one of the SpotPass homes Nintendo sent out to the Happy Homes Showcase back in the summer. But here is a look at both the aurora screen and the bobsled.

The aurora screen and bobsled.I spoke with Tammy today, and she suggested a new public works project, a picnic blanket. It’s been a while since someone has suggested a new project, so I’ll gladly take the suggestion.

Tammy: How about...funding a brand-new picnic blanket to make our awesome town awesomer?This is what it looks like:

Picnic blanket: 39,800 bells.I remember seeing a picture of this project well before the game was released. And when I first was getting my campsite installed, for some reason I was expecting it to look like this. I was disappointed when I saw what the campsite actually looked like (before I knew tents would occupy that spot).

Anyway, I went up to the Dream Suite and Luna told me that Jessica from Petalbrg was my most recent dream visitor.

Luna: According to the latest feedback, a client named Jessica from Petalbrg enjoyed your dream.Then tonight, I opened my gate so that Kaitlin could get the mermaid mailbox from my Nook Homes. And I went into Club LOL to watch K.K. perform Stale Cupcakes.

Also, Beth submitted some new patterns to the QR codes page (a white crochet dress/wedding dress and an Avicii logo and logo sweater).