Trading Turkeyfish

Mac is now unpacked, and I was able to see the inside of his house yesterday. He has a doghouse in between two trees to pee on. He also has a pool and a beach chair; I like what he’s done with the place!

The inside of Mac's house.In the city,  I found the entrance to the Reset Surveillance Center open, so I walked right in. Resetti and Don were arguing about food. Apparently, Don took some of Resetti’s food without asking him. But there’s still a piece of pizza left, guys!

Resetti: Yeah, that's right, YOU said it. And here we are. You ate it without permission, so ya STOLE it!Stinky asked me for a new catchphrase tonight, so I told him to say “in undies.”

Stinky: In undies... In undies... FRESH! It's like breathing a glacier, in undies!After talking to him a few times, I started to wonder if I had made a huge mistake.

Stinky: Yo, boss! There you are, in undies.I did some fishing tonight, trying to catch a can. Yes, a can. It’s a hard fish to catch! 😛 It’s for a video I’m working on. I caught a boot at one point, but that’s not what I needed.

Alli noticed the fish in my pockets, and she proposed a very even trade. She wanted my zebra turkeyfish, and she was willing to give me…a zebra turkeyfish for it!

Alli: Do I see you have a zebra turkeyfish? That doesn't suit your style! My zebra turkeyfish is a much better fit!
Most pointless trade ever.

Once I gave up on fishing for the night, I took a trip out to the city. I wanted to check the marquee for two emotions, mischief and fear. Surprisingly, they had both of them!

Dr. Shrunk performing at the marquee.I’ll probably be back with another update in a few days, so I’ll see you then!

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