Duck Departure Day

Friga informed me that Wendell was in town today. Of course, I had no need to speak to the starving walrus, but thanks for the info anyway.

Friga: But he's always more interested in scarfing down food than showing off his designs!
Well the guy has to eat.

Today is Mallary’s moving day! At last! It’s good to see her all packed up in boxes. Get the duck out of town.

Mallary: I'm getting ready to move out of town, like we talked about.Fang told me he likes to get his buddies to hide in deep shadows. It sounded a bit creepy, but he was really just asking me to play hide-and-seek. Thankfully.

Fang: One thing I do is get some buddies to hide in the deep shadows, then I go after them, see?He gave me 15 minutes to find him, Kitt, and Cousteau. But first he had to use the bathroom.

Fang leans out from behind the bulletin board, to see if the coast is clear.After finding Fang behind the bulletin board, I found Kitt hiding behind Cousteau’s house.

Kitt hides behind Cousteau's house during a game of hide and seek.It took me a while to find Cousteau, though. He was hiding behind’s Scott’s house. With the game completed, Fang rewarded me with a mini howloid.

Fang: Here, have a mini howloid. You deserve a little something for that performance.
Getting a howloid from a wolf seems strangely appropriate.

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