A Crazy Friday Night in Forest, 11/11/11

Ruby sent me a letter, thanking me for giving her medicine while she was sick. She also sent me a blue bookcase.

Thanks, Jeff, I would've been in serious trouble if you hadn't brought me medicine! Waaaaaaaaaah! Like, BIG-TIME thanks! -All better! RubyFor once, I watered my flowers and checked Nook’s before going online. Once I was done, it was 10:05 and I opened my gate. TZ and Bradley came in.

TZ and I discussed Kid Cat. He recently moved out of TZ’s town, and I have seen him in my city twice. After confirming what his catchphrase was in her town (Mach girl), I knew it was the same one because that’s what the Kid Cat in my city called me. I’m pretty sure that means Kid Cat will be moving into my town very soon…possibly tomorrow. The whole situation matches what happened when Peaches was in my city a lot. It turned out Peaches was from Ash’s town Onett, and even though I didn’t know it at the time, that was an indication that Peaches was about to move into my town, and that’s exactly what happened. Sorry if that’s a run-on sentence. 😉

Anyway, Skye came in shortly after that, so I had a full house. We went into Ables and TZ displayed one of Wendell’s patterns over the pumpkin pattern (since Halloween is “WAY over”). I tried on the rimmed glasses; they looked pretty funny on me, but I didn’t buy them. Maybe I should have, but oh well. Actually, I could order them from my catalog if I really wanted to, but I probably won’t remember. 😛

I told everyone I hadn’t found my rare mushroom for the day, so some of us were looking for it, but we never found it. I haven’t seen an elegant mushroom (the other valuable shroom) for about a week, so it was unusual to not see either of them today.

Skye started talking about how she wished they made certain Animal Crossing fish extinct. Such as not having carp in future games. And somehow, that resulted in carp being the topic of discussion for the remainder of the night. Yeah, we’re crazy like that.

At one point, everyone was trying to find a mole cricket, digging tons of holes. A glitch happened, where Skye somehow got stuck in the middle of a bunch of holes (standing where there was no full space to stand). But TZ freed her before we could enjoy the full glitchiness of the situation.

Anyway, we stopped to take note of today’s unique date.

Jeff, Skye, and Bradley all saying the date: 11/11/11TZ left rather quickly, and then Bradley followed right behind as the clock struck 11:00. Skye was discussing alternate meanings for JVGS and apparently was reading this ACCF blog as we were playing. (Well not this specific blog entry, of course). 😛  We discussed the usual topics…you know, vegemite, Japanese words, Foster the People, oh and we parodied the “Do you like waffles?” song.

Jeff: Yeah I like carp blood. Skye: Yeah I like carp blood.Skye posted a message on my bulletin board:

I read 'deluxe washer' as Deluxe, Wash Her. I think there might be something wrong with me. -SkyeYes, Skye, there is something wrong with you. 😉 I just can’t figure out if it’s a good thing or a bad thing. 😀

Right after that (around 11:45), Skye said “etp,” telling me to end the party. I asked why and she repeated “etp.” I didn’t want to close my gate just yet, but I saved the game quickly in case she was about to disconnect. She then said “bye” and disconnected. I guess she can’t use the gate like everyone else does. 😛  I’m sure she had a good reason she had to shut the game off quickly though. I decided not to re-open my gate, since nobody else had come into Forest the past 45 minutes. And that wrapped up my night in Forest.

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