Nature Day

Today is Earth Day, or Nature Day as it’s known in the world of Animal Crossing. So Mayor Tortimer was waiting outside town hall with a gift to celebrate the occasion.

Tortimer: On Nature Day, we surround ourselves with sky, sea, and land, and give thanks to the earth.The gift was a cool globe. Here’s a look at it in my house:

The cool globe for Nature Day on display in my house.I then watered my flowers and found two new black roses today. I ran into Del, and he invited himself over to my house! How rude!

Del: This may seem a bit sudden, but I've decided to come crash your pad!Even though he said he wouldn’t take no for an answer, I was indeed able to decline the offer. Setting up these meetings with animals is a bit of a pain, because they won’t accept a time that’s too soon and they won’t accept a time that’s too late. What a croc.