Tracking Down the Crooks

Tonight, I found Friga and Fang standing still, facing forward, not moving (at least for a few seconds). I guess they were pretending to be the queen’s guards or something.

Friga and Fang standing guard?When I spoke to Fang, he wanted to play a game where I had to track down criminals!

Fang: Your job as a protector of the people is to track down those crooks and protect the good folks of the town.He was actually just referring to hide-and-seek, although he sure has a wild imagination today! I had ten minutes to find him, Alfonso, and Bunnie. Alfonso was the first animal I tracked down; he was hiding behind a tree.

Alfonso peeking his head out from behind a tree.I later found Fang hiding behind the empty house and Bunnie hiding behind a tree. For winning the game, I got a mini fizzoid from Fang. Why do the prizes always seem to be gyroids?

Fang: Here, have a mini fizzoid. You deserve a little something for that performance.Saharah was in town today, looking for old wallpaper. Kitt was the first villager to help me out. Fortunately, the wallpaper didn’t have any baby heads on it this time.

Kitt: That's fine! You're really welcome to my old one. It's not like I need it for anything!The only other villager to give me wallpaper was Broccolo. He said the old wallpaper makes a tasty ice cream cone. (Something is wrong with that mouse).

Broccolo: So, sure, go ahead and take it. Between you and me, though, it makes a pretty tasty ice-cream cone.Two isn’t enough for a rare wallpaper from Saharah, but fortunately, I had a third one in storage. So I took them all to the camel with long eyelashes.

Saharah: Oh! You bring wallpaper! And how many...3! Mine now!In return, she gave me a garden wall. It’s one that I needed for my catalog, so that’s a good thing. I don’t think I’m going to keep it, though. It’s alright, but nothing special. This is what it looks like:

The garden wall displayed in my house.

Visiting the Fortune Teller

I went down to the Roost to check out the Saturday night performance from K.K. tonight. I asked for a sad song, and he played King K.K. for me.

K.K.: Here's a jam that'll shine the blues clean off your shoes... It's called King K.K.Outside, Broccolo was posing with his net. He was hinting that I should take a picture of him, so I did. Say cheese!

Broccolo: Well, if you ever wanted to take a picture, now's the time!Fang asked me to make a delivery to Cousteau. I had a little trouble finding the French frog, but I did eventually track him down. He had the look of sheer joy on his face when I told him Fang sent him a present.

Cousteau: Really? From Fang?When I returned to Fang and told him I made the delivery, he rewarded me with a mod wall.

Fang: It's not really a proper thank-you, but I put aside a mod wall for ya, toasty.I took the bus out to the city, and I decided to let Katrina tell my fortune. She told me I would experience an improvement in my monetary fortunes…and then she took my 100 bells.

Katrina: This aura glows fiercely around you... I foresee an improvement in your monetary fortunes.