Five Outfits for Alli

Tonight, Friga asked me if she should move to another town. Without even thinking about it, I told her not to go. I suppose I could have let her leave; she’s never been a favorite of mine, although she’s not bad. But it’s actually pretty rare that villagers even ask me any more, usually they just go without saying a word until it’s too late.

Friga: Do you think it's worth moving to another town to spice up my life?When I visited Alli, she told me she was tired of the outfit that she had on. But she had five other outfits sitting right there in her house!

Alli: I'm so over this outfit that I'm wearing! And I haven't seen anything interesting at the store...I headed to the Roost and asked K.K. to play a random song. He performed K.K. Aria for me–that’s the same song he played for me two weeks ago (the last time I asked for a random song).

K.K.: All right, get ready to dig the riffs on this ditty: K.K. Aria.And even though it was almost midnight, Aurora told me she was enjoying the sunny skies.

Aurora: Son a sunny day like this, I think I could just sit and stare up at the sky all day.