First Snowfall

As I started up the game tonight, I spotted the first snow flurries of the season!

It's snowing!I found Fang’s goodbye letter in my mailbox. So long, my wolfy friend. Forest won’t be the same without hearing you howl at the moon.

Fang's goodbye letter.Friga told me that I looked better walking through the snow than she did. But you’re a penguin!

Friga: I can't say that I look NEARLY as good tromping in the snow as you, toasty!Mott told me when he’s lying in bed, he can hear cartoon sound effects coming from his body! He wondered if he swallowed a TV, but I wondered if he swallowed Tom and Jerry!

Mott: And when I'm laying in bed, I hear weird cartoon sound effects coming from my body.A bit later, Friga asked me for a new catchphrase. I was going to tell her to say “in an igloo,” but there wasn’t enough space available. So I changed it to “in igloos.”

Friga: Now I'll get even MORE attention, in igloos!