Bunnie Bounces

As expected, Bunnie was all packed up and ready to move out of town. She even admitted that it took her a long time…very true. So long, Bunnie!

RUU_5491-smOn my walk around town, I spotted Chow the panda on my northern bridge. I stopped briefly to wave at him. RUU_5492-smI went down to the Roost (on the lower floor of the museum) to catch some live music. K.K. performed DJ K.K. for me.

RUU_5493-smBroccolo was looking forward to Christmas, saying he’s been good so that he can score some presents…and cheese. Sometimes catchphrases just fit the conversation perfectly.

RUU_5494-smAfter selling some fossils and fruit, I deposited my money into the bank at the post office. My balance reached 26 million bells–that’s only half of what I have in New Leaf. But of course, money is much easier to come by in New Leaf.
