Hide and Stink

Last night, Stinky told me that he’s trained like a pro, for years, to be a world-class…river fishing specialist? I thought for sure he was going to say wrestler.

Stinky: Over the years, I've trained like a pro to be a world-class river-fishing specialist.I visited Tutu, and her house was almost bear bare! She had a few items in the front half of her room, but the back half was completely empty! And I couldn’t have helped her if I tried, because she specifically warned me not to move her furniture around!

Tutu: Eeeek! Like, PLEASE, don't move my furniture around too much!Chow the panda was feeling under the weather, so I bought some medicine for him. Chow down!

Chow flips as he takes medicine.And then today, Alli told me it was time for her to plan a party. The theme of the party would be that we would all talk about what it would be like to own one slipper.

Alli: The party theme is that you'll talk about what it'd be like to own one slipper...
You’re such a party animal.

Stinky asked me to play a game of hide-and-seek. He gave me 15 minutes to find him, Tutu, and Alli. As I began, I was hot on Stinky’s trail; maybe he should have washed his underwear before putting it on his head this morning. I quickly sniffed him out behind Scott’s house.

Stinky hiding behind a house.Just a few moments later, I found Tutu behind town hall. It took me a little longer to find Alli because she was on the other side of town: She was hiding behind Benedict’s house.

Alli: Oh no! How did you know I was here?
I love her jaw-dropping surprised look.

Stinky rewarded me with an oombloid for winning the game of hide-and-seek.

When I visited Broccolo, he was telling me about the Happy Room Academy and how they give high ratings to rooms with matching series. He said that he writes “Broccolo” on all of his furniture to make it part of the Broccolo series. But of course, the HRA told him that doesn’t count.

Broccolo: But they said that didn't count! There's just no pleasing those decorating tyrants, on Tumblr.I took a quick trip up to the city, and I saw one of my favorite animals from the series…and one of my least favorite. You can probably guess which is which.

Rolf and Jambette in the city.

One thought on “Hide and Stink”

  1. It annoys me that villagers complain if you don’t have a lot of furniture, yet some of their homes are really sparse! And um, Jeff, help? There’s a screamer in your last picture…

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