Pitfalling My Villagers

In the past few days, I’ve been pitfalling my villagers (all ten of them) and recording their reactions. I’ve put the clips together in this video that I hope will make you laugh. Check it out!

Whose reaction do you think was the funniest? Leave a comment below!

Static: Whaa! Why isn't the ground doing its job?!When I visited Gloria tonight, she was glad to have a visitor. She told me to dance around and eat cream brioche to my heart’s content. It was at this moment that I realized Gloria is Lucille Bluth from Arrested Development. And I felt like her third least-favorite child.

Gloria: You can dance around and eat cream brioche to your heart's content!Aurora told me that she was planning on moving out of town soon. I told her not to go, and she said she’ll think about changing her plans. So I’m not sure if I changed her mind or not, but I’m not going to worry about it. I like her, but I do still have her in New Leaf, so it’s not the end of the world if she goes. I guess I’ll find out next time.

Aurora: If you really feel that strongly, heeeeey, I'll have to think a little bit more about my plans.After I visited with Savannah, I noticed a rainbow stag on a nearby tree. I grabbed my net and caught it! That’s an easy 10,000 bells. I also caught a goliath beetle a few seconds later.

I caught a rainbow stag! Someone tell me, already! Where's the rainbow?!Thanks for stopping by! I hope you enjoyed the video–it’s been a while since my last proper ACCF video, so I’m not sure if people are still interested or not. Feel free to comment on the video itself or the blog entry, and I’ll see you next time!