Thank Tank

Last night, Twiggy had me make a delivery to Opal. When I returned to tell her the deed was done, she asked how Opal reacted. I said she thought it was okay, and she said at least they (sic) didn’t barf or anything. That’s her way of thinking positively, apparently.

Twiggy: Well, at least they didn't barf or anything, huh? Yeah, that's it! Think POSITIVE!Tonight, over in front of town hall, I found a mouse in a bag! And not just any bag, but a bag of fireworks! But don’t worry, he wasn’t in pain or anything. In fact, he was having a blast.

Rod, in a bag of fireworks: Oh my Rod!!I met up with Benedict over by the waterfall, and he was talking about crickets. He said they’re so cute, he almost wants to eat them! Yikes!

Benedict: They're so cute, I almost wanna eat them!But then he said he was just imitating Nat the Bug-Off judge. I’m not so sure, though. He is a chicken, after all…

I helped Tank out by making a delivery to Twiggy tonight. Twiggy thanked me and also told me to thank Tank. Hey, that rhymes.

Twiggy: And please TOTALLY thank Tank for me too, on Twitter!When I returned to Tank, he rewarded me with a rose wall.

Nobody mentioned moving out today, but that’s not always a good thing. It could mean I’ll get a surprise next time when I enter someone’s house. I guess we’ll see.

Have a good weekend, everyone!