Wolf Packed

On Tuesday, Saharah was in town, looking for old carpets once again. I asked around, but Grizzly was the only one who had an old rug to give me. I didn’t have any saved in storage, since I just used my others two weeks ago.

Grizzly: Well, you came knocking at the right time. I was just about to drag this rug over to her myself! It's all yours!

Goldie was still sick, so I gave her another dose of medicine.

At the Roost, I found Tom and Phyllis sitting together. Were they on a date? 😆 I wish there was a way to tease Tom about this for the rest of eternity. 😉

Tom and Phyllis sitting together at the Roost.

I then got ready for my first late-night bug hunt of the summer! I recorded a full gameplay video of my one-hour bug hunt. How many bells did I make? Watch and see! 😉

Lobo told me he was thinking about leaving town, and I asked him to stay. However, that didn’t sway his opinion. I planned on talking to him again to convince him…but I actually forgot to try again. So when I played again today, Forest’s lone wolf was all packed up.

Lobo: well, well, well. I'm glad you finally made it here, J-rock! 'Cause I'm leaving, ah-rooooo.

Goldie was finally over her cold today. She sent me a thank-you letter, with a white boom box attached.

At Nook ‘n’ Go, I wondered if today was Zelda day! Tom Nook was selling a Master Sword, a tea vase (which reminded me of the pots you can break in Zelda games), and a holly bonsai (which looks like the small trees you can pick shock fruits from in Tears of the Kingdom).

A Master Sword, tea vase, and holly bonsai for sale at Nook 'n' Go.

At the Roost, I asked K.K. Slider for a random song, and he played DJ K.K. for me. That’s always a good song. 🙂

K.K.: All right, get ready to dig the riffs on this ditty: DJ K.K..

After I was done with my walk around town, I again emptied my pockets and wallet for a short bug hunt. It was only 15 minutes this time, but not many rare bugs were out! I only made 19k, which is pathetic compared to what I made on Tuesday. I think the problem is that I was playing before 11 p.m., when I tend to do better after 11:00. But oh well, I’m still ahead of schedule for my summer goal, thanks to Tuesday.

See you all next time! Never Stop Crossing! 🙂