Expired Eggs

Tom sent me a letter in the mail, telling me he’s over his cold now. He thanked me for the medicine by sending me a vaulting horse. Moments after reading the letter, I saw Tom in person outside of town hall. He talked about when he was a kid, and his dad woke him up to see the aurora in the sky.

Tom: This always takes me back to when I was a kid and my dad woke me up to see the aurora.

And that’s how I knew there was an aurora tonight. 😛

The northern lights as seen from town hall.

That may have been a nice surprise, but I later had a not-so-nice surprise: Egbert is moving out! 🙁

Egbert: Well, see, I'm actually leaving Forest. For good, doodle-duh.
Don’t say “for good.” Who knows, you may be back again someday.

Just when I was saying I liked my current coop group of villagers, Egbert has expired! He was a good egg too! This will leave me scrambling to hatch a new plan. It’s over-easy never easy to lose one of your favorite neighbors; it leaves a fowl taste in your mouth. But hopefully we’ll meet again someday!

Over by Able Sisters, Nana told me that she always dreamed of opening her own bakery.

Nana: When I was little, I always dreamed of opening my own bakery. I knew exactly how I would decorate it...

She said she never got to open her bakery, but she admired the Able Sisters for making their dream a reality. Don’t give up, Nana! Maybe you can still open that bakery someday!

I headed to the Roost to catch K.K. Slider’s performance just shortly before midnight. I told him I was feeling blue, and he played Steep Hill for me. Roscoe was also at the Roost, enjoying a nice cup of coffee.

K.K.: Here's a jam that'll shine the blues clean off your shoes... It's called Steep Hill.

I visited Antonio, and he gets the award for worst-designed house of 2024. 😛 Almost all of the furniture is in the front of the house, with only one narrow path to the back…where there lots of empty space, save for one fossil. Not the most usable way of arranging your stuff, Ant-man.

Antonio's questionably-designed house.

I’ll see you all next week. Never Stop Crossing!

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