No Jerkfaces

On Tuesday, Ruby told me that she wanted to move out of town. She hasn’t been here very long yet, so I asked her to stay. However, my words did not change her mind. At least not at first. 😛

Ruby: But it's no use! It's gonna take more than your salty, salty tears to halt this train!

However, I didn’t give up. After several more attempts, she eventually changed her mind and agreed to stick around a while longer.

Ruby: Wowza, pop star! You really want me to stick around that bad, li'l ears?

She also asked me for a baseball shirt, so I ordered one for her. Yesterday, I went to the moon to give it to her. 🌚 She rewarded me with a playroom wall, and she awkwardly complimented me by saying I’m not a jerkface? Kinda weird, but okay.

Ruby: If the world was full of you, there would be no jerkfaces, li'l ears!

Today, Curly told me that he once witnessed an argument between Sable and Mabel. He said that Sable won the fight, because she is more experienced. (Does that mean more experience arguing, or just more life experience?)

Curly: It figures that in the end, Sable would win the argument, nyoink!

Saharah was in town, looking for old wallpaper. I asked around, and three of my villagers had some to give me! It’s pretty rare to get that many all at once. Thanks, Tom, Big Top, and Grizzly!

Grizzly: Don't worry, your secret's safe with me. Take this and enjoy.

I took them back to Saharah, and she gave me a garden wall in exchange.

Saharah: Here...a garden wall. Very exotic... Treasure it. It is a very rare thing.

Mint has been sick with a cold this week, so I gave her some medicine on Tuesday, yesterday, and today. Get well soon, Mint!