Bug-Off 2023

Yesterday, I received Lobo’s goodbye letter in the mail.

Jeff, Well, I'm finally moving out of Forest tomorrow. If it makes you feel any better, you're the only reason I stayed as long as I did. Thanks, pal. Your pal, Lobo

Lately, I’ve been getting a bit annoyed by my grass wear along my bug-catching route, especially in the southwest corner of town. So I did something I haven’t done in years: I added a new path. If I can stick to it, the grass will regrow, and this area won’t look so barren.

My new path.

Last night, I was playing later than usual…so late that even Nook ‘n’ Go was closed. I did a little bug hunting, but I had to be more selective. No 1k or 2k bugs, and I even had to fight the urge to catch emperor butterflies. But this is what I ended up with:

A pocket full of rare, valuable bugs.
Each catch is worth at least 6,000 bells.

Today, I played again and I wanted to see what that haul was worth.

Tom Nook: Ah, for all of that, I'll give you 127,000 bells.

I didn’t sell all of them just yet, though. There was a Bug-Off today, so I headed over to town hall and gave Nat an elephant beetle.

Nat: Great Loch Ness! It seems you've brought me the rare and much-sought-after elephant beetle.

It scored 79 points, and that took the spot away from Grizzly’s 61-point jewel beetle. He rewarded me with a siphon. Interestingly enough, I found (and caught) another elephant beetle just 30 seconds after that chat with Nat!

After that, I made my rounds and spoke with my villagers. Many of them also had the Bug-Off on their minds.

Antonio: Know why? Today's the Bug-Off! It's my big chance to show off my sweet bug-wrassling skills.

At 6:00, I returned to Nat. He confirmed that my elephant beetle won the competition! He’ll send me my reward (a bug trophy) in the mail.

Nat: Oh, that was a fine, fine bug! Indeed, your mighty elephant beetle put a smile on this reptile's face.

My bank balance is almost at 56 million, which means I’m right on pace to meet my summer goal. There’s still more bug hunting to do, though! 🙂

Wolf Packed

On Tuesday, Saharah was in town, looking for old carpets once again. I asked around, but Grizzly was the only one who had an old rug to give me. I didn’t have any saved in storage, since I just used my others two weeks ago.

Grizzly: Well, you came knocking at the right time. I was just about to drag this rug over to her myself! It's all yours!

Goldie was still sick, so I gave her another dose of medicine.

At the Roost, I found Tom and Phyllis sitting together. Were they on a date? 😆 I wish there was a way to tease Tom about this for the rest of eternity. 😉

Tom and Phyllis sitting together at the Roost.

I then got ready for my first late-night bug hunt of the summer! I recorded a full gameplay video of my one-hour bug hunt. How many bells did I make? Watch and see! 😉

Lobo told me he was thinking about leaving town, and I asked him to stay. However, that didn’t sway his opinion. I planned on talking to him again to convince him…but I actually forgot to try again. So when I played again today, Forest’s lone wolf was all packed up.

Lobo: well, well, well. I'm glad you finally made it here, J-rock! 'Cause I'm leaving, ah-rooooo.

Goldie was finally over her cold today. She sent me a thank-you letter, with a white boom box attached.

At Nook ‘n’ Go, I wondered if today was Zelda day! Tom Nook was selling a Master Sword, a tea vase (which reminded me of the pots you can break in Zelda games), and a holly bonsai (which looks like the small trees you can pick shock fruits from in Tears of the Kingdom).

A Master Sword, tea vase, and holly bonsai for sale at Nook 'n' Go.

At the Roost, I asked K.K. Slider for a random song, and he played DJ K.K. for me. That’s always a good song. 🙂

K.K.: All right, get ready to dig the riffs on this ditty: DJ K.K..

After I was done with my walk around town, I again emptied my pockets and wallet for a short bug hunt. It was only 15 minutes this time, but not many rare bugs were out! I only made 19k, which is pathetic compared to what I made on Tuesday. I think the problem is that I was playing before 11 p.m., when I tend to do better after 11:00. But oh well, I’m still ahead of schedule for my summer goal, thanks to Tuesday.

See you all next time! Never Stop Crossing! 🙂

Hatching an Evil Plan?

I listened in on a conversation between Harry and Grizzly today, and they said it looked like they were hatching an evil plan every time they talk. 😄

Grizzly: Have you noticed every time we're together it looks like we're hatching some evil plan?

They said even though it was a joke initially, they felt like they really should become supervillains. They even practiced their “villain laugh.”

Grizzly: OK! How does this sound? MOO HOO HA HA!

Immediately after their conversation ended, Harry asked me for a new catchphrase to replace “honeybun.” Yeah, I guess villains can’t go around saying “honeybun.” So I told him to say “I’m evil.” 😛

At Nook ‘n’ Go, Tom Nook was selling a lot of green furniture today. It must’ve been a special Green Day sale. 😛

Three green furniture items on sale at Nook's shop, including a green lava lamp, bonsai, and green refrigerator.

Goldie was sick with a cold, so I gave her some medicine. Get well soon, Goldie!

Goldie flips as she takes her medicine.

In the city, Crazy Redd was ready for the summer heat; he was selling a backyard pool. I really like the way it looks in this game: The water looks so sparkly and inviting.

Redd: Ain't that backyard pool just a sight for sore eyes?

July is here, and that means it’s prime bug-hunting season! I didn’t do any bug hunting just yet, but I’m sure I’ll get that started one night soon. 🙂

I started today with 55.4 million bells in savings. I’m going to set myself a goal of two million bells for the summer, just like I have the past few years. So I want my balance to be (at least) at 57.5 million bells by September 1st. That shouldn’t be too hard, considering how much I enjoy my late-night summer bug hunts.

Good luck if you’ll be out there hunting bugs too! 🙂 I’ll see you next time!