Static’s Magic Trick

On Sunday night, the owl on the bulletin board indicated there was a new message posted. It was about the fishing tournament, but before I read it, I tried to get the owl to fly up towards the camera a couple times. This is the best I could do:

An owl flies away from the bulletin board.
“Owl be back!”

Wisp was in town, and I gathered up his spirits in exchange for a digital scale.

Static was telling me about a friend of his that got a smart watch. The friend told Static “watch this,” and the friend started pushing some buttons. But nothing ever happened, and Static couldn’t help but laugh.

Static: Gahaha! The day I let a watch outsmart me is the day I retire.
Retire from what?

Yesterday, the Nooklings had a spooky treats basket for sale. That’s one of the new Halloween items for 2021.

Tommy: Seems like you're interested in a spooky treats basket.

Kody was camping at the campsite, and he’s another of my buddies from my GameCube town. But for some reason, I don’t think he looks as cute as he does in the older games.

Kody holds a donut at the campsite.

Today (Tuesday), Saharah was in town. I bought a security-monitors wall and a pyramid tile from her. I like them, but I already have them both.

When I visited Static, he said he was going to do a magic trick for me! 🪄

Static: Taught myself a magic trick! Ready? So, right here I got an ordinary handkerchief... Uh, right, um...

But then he realized he didn’t have his handkerchief with him…even though we were at his house! How disappointing.

Static: Guess I forgot to bring it with me. Remind me to do that trick for you some other time, krzzt.
After that performance, I disappeared.

At the plaza, Marina was enjoying a nice shish kabob! But she also had a flea that was also feasting…on Marina. I caught it for her.

Marina, holding a shish kabob: Oh no!

Shortly after that, I ended my night in Forest. See you all next time.