Moving Sumo

Yesterday, Gullivarrr sent me a pirate-ship helm in the mail, for helping him out the day before.

Beardo tried to tell me that he’s really well-known in hip-hop circles. I don’t believe that for a second.

Beardo: But, I'm also really well known in hip-hop circles. There's even a book that was basically based on me!

Pancetti the pancake pig was up at the campsite. I obviously had no interest in her, but I did play one of her games. I won an elegant hat. 😛

Pancetti, at the campsite: Oh, thank you for stopping by. I don't believe we've met. I'm Pancetti.

I started up the island designer app to reshape the land where my UFOs have been lately. It’s also the place where I previously had my amusement park. I kept the same basic waterfall structure, although I made it more streamlined and moved it north. That left some room for my new sumo ring.

My new sumo ring in front of waterfalls.

Even though my existing sumo ring is still in place, it won’t be for long. I plan on using that area for something else in the coming weeks.

Tonight, K.K. Slider was in town. He performed for me, Bones, Marina, and Agent S.

K.K. Slider sings for Bones, Agent S, Marina, and Jeff.

I noticed that the wet suit is one of the few items that can be used on Lottie’s island, so I put it on and went swimming! I didn’t see any sea creatures in the waters around Lottie’s island, but it was still nice to swim in a new place.

Swimming between two rocks off the coast of Lottie's Island.

I haven’t done any vacation home designing lately, but I plan on changing that in the coming days.

See you next time!

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