First Cat

On Sunday night, I decided to use three Nook Miles Tickets to look for a new villager. If I didn’t find anyone good after that, I would take my chances and wait for Monday. The three potential villagers I encountered were Tucker, Queenie, and Cole.

Tucker, Queenie, and Cole.

I chose not to adopt any of them.

Yesterday, I found a “Sold” sign on the empty plot; Punchy the lazy cat is moving in.

This spot reserved for Punchy's new home. -Nook Inc.

I know he seems to be fairly popular, but he was never one of my favorites. He’s not bad, though. For a random move-in, I certainly could have done much worse.

Today, I went over to meet my new neighbor. Punchy told me he’s from Solstice, which is Timo’s town. Welcome to Forest! 🙂

Punchy: Hi there! I'm Punchy! I'm from Solstice!

Believe it or not, Punchy is the first cat villager I’ve had in Forest! Well at least the first house cat; I have had a couple of tigers.

As I ran by Rio and headed into the shop, she called out to me. But it was too late, I had already started the door-opening animation.

Rio: Jeff! Over here!

She was gone when I came back out, so I’ll never know what she wanted. 😛

Sasha told me the story of Cinderella, but he said the prince figured out who the slipper belonged to, because it smelled like Cinderella’s feet! I certainly didn’t remember that part of the story. 😆

Sasha, Oh yeah, it was her slipper! And the prince figured out who she was because it smelled like her feet!

Then Sasha revealed that the prince was a dog, and that’s how he tracked down her scent. 😛

Sasha: Oh! The prince was a dog! Did I say that? It's why the smell part was important.

Are you sure this is the story of Cinderella? Or is it Cindersmella?

Plucky was camping at the campsite…but I didn’t have a taste for chicken today. 😛

Plucky, at the campsite: Oh! Hope I'm not interrupting you or nothin'.

Just a note for people on my friend roster: I am planning on hosting Friday Night Forest this week! I should be opening at 10 p.m. Eastern time. (If plans should happen to change, I’ll edit this blog entry to say so.)

10 thoughts on “First Cat”

  1. Like, how was Cole on a random island? I have him on my island! Also, How do you know Timo in Solstice had Punchy?! ._. I always wait for the ping from my villagers! And I’ll always listen on in chats! I’ll never lose the ping, until some peppy villager says “How goes Project KK?” and then gives me a stupid recipe. I doo have Egbert the Chicken in my New Leaf town!

  2. I have Punchy in my New Horizons town. I enjoy having him around. The one and only random move in I had was Octavian. Punchy is a nice replacement for a horrible villager.

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