The String is Out

Crazy Redd was in town yesterday, and he had a solemn painting for sale. But I didn’t need that one, so I left his tent without purchasing anything.

The latest Message of the Week says that it hurts to think…so the author tries not to. 😛

*Message of the Week* It hurts to think. I try not to.

For some reason, Baabara was telling me about a boy she once dated. He apparently told Baabara that she was just trying him on like a shirt.

Baabara: It happened many years ago. I was dating a boy, and he said this one thing to me.Baabara: "You're just trying me on like a shirt or something."

So Baabara said she should have hung him out to dry.

Baabara: Can you believe it?! I should've hung him out to dry way before that!
Like a shirt? Maybe he had a point… 😛

I found a note in a bottle on the beach, and it seems to have been written by Resetti…

To youze, Remember that ya gotta save when you're done playin' your game, ya hear me? -Alliance Against Resetting

At town hall, I made a 23,000 bell mortgage payment.

I played Wild World again tonight, and Big Top told me about a bad experience he had with Gracie. He said he learned one thing during the encounter…that he’s stupid! 😮

Big Top: But I did learn one thing from the experience. I'M STUPID!

Fortunately, he was only kidding. He said Gracie’s rude comments don’t faze him. That’s good to hear, because Gracie can be a witch sometimes. 😛

Once I made my rounds, I decided to spend some time fishing. After 20 minutes, I found what I was looking for. Over by the waterfall, I caught my first stringfish! 😀

Whoa... I caught a stringfish!

I quickly took it over to the museum and donated it. However, my glee was dampened a bit when I looked at my fish encyclopedia. It turns out, I still need to catch about a dozen types of fish! Yikes! I was thinking I only needed a few more! That’s a bummer. But still, it is nice to get the stringfish out of the way. Not only is it a rare fish, but it’s about to go out of season.

I then headed over to town hall, and I found a blue table in the recycle bin. I paid  another 25,000 bells towards my mortgage.

Back outside, I ran into Baabara. She wanted to give me a new nickname, “gorgeous.” The interesting thing about that, is that it already was her nickname for me.

Baabara: Hey, gorgeous! I just came up with the absolute PERFECT nickname for you!Baabara: It's gorgeous! PRET-ty awesome, huh, shear me!

See that snowball in those pics? I made a snowman out of it, along with another one I found. Except the snowman I built didn’t think he looked very snowman-ish.

Snowman: Y'know, I always thought I'd be a little more...uh...snowman-ish, y'know?After that, I wrapped up my game for the night. See you next time!

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