Opulent Opportunity

Crazy Redd had an opulent painting for sale today, and I bought it. Even though Redd said he was glad to finally be rid of it, it turned out to be a legitimate painting! I immediately donated it to the museum.

Opulent painting. Donor: Jeff.Just six more paintings to go!

I ran into Rosie next to Nookington’s, and she told me it’s not fun to eat vegetables, but candy makes her happy.

Rosie: But candy makes me happy, so I chow on it like crazy!At the bulletin board, I was eating up the new Message of the Week. It’s about breakfast. Mmm, breakfast… (Sorry, I just watched a video of Homer Simpson clips). 😛

*Message of the Week* Lunch is at noon. Breakfast is anytime!

In Baabara’s house, I answered a quiz question correctly. Baabara gave me a prize, which was a scale armor suit. Just like the one I tried to give her a few weeks back (on Feb. 27).

Baabara: ...Please accept my scale armor suit as your prize, shear me!

When I visited Rhonda, she asked me for some new clothes. I gave her the scale armor suit–just like I did on February 27th!

Rhonda: Whoa... Oh hey, this is a scale armor suit, isn't it, bigfoot?

She enjoyed it (again), and she rewarded me with a Tyrolean hat. It’s green, so I could have used this for St. Patrick’s Day. I put it on, even if I’m celebrating a little late. 😉

Jeff wears a Tyrolean hat in Animal Crossing: Wild World.

At town hall, I made a 35,000 bell mortgage payment. After that, my last stop of the day was at Curly’s house. He was still sick with a cold, so I gave him some medicine again.

Curly sparkles after taking his medicine.

See you all next time!