Failed Delivery, Jeremiah

Last Wednesday, Kiki asked me to make a delivery to Rosie within ten minutes. Rosie wasn’t home, so I searched all over town (in the rain) trying to find her.

I was briefly distracted by a UFO; really! It was just my 2nd time seeing a UFO in Wild World, and the first time since my first week with the game. Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to shoot it down in time. It was already across the river by the time I got my slingshot out.

I resumed my search for Rosie, but I wasn’t finding her anywhere! I even looked in the Roost, just in case she could be hanging out in there (like villagers can in City Folk), but she wasn’t there. So I went back outside, and then I ran into Rosie. It had been 11 minutes, and she wouldn’t even accept the gift from Kiki! She just told me to go find Kiki, who was very mad at me.

Rosie: Kiki was looking for you with the REDDEST face I've ever seen!

I returned to Kiki, and she said it was “way past” the delivery time.

Kiki: It's way past the delivery time, kitty cat.
Uh, I don’t think that’s true.

She said she’ll have to make the delivery herself, and she took the package back. Wow. So I did all that for nothing, and I was actually trying to complete the task, too. Kiki was disappointed in me…and I was disappointed in her too.

Kiki: I'm sorry for giving you such an impossible task, kitty cat. Shoulda known.

I took my frustration out on Rocco. I had to get him back for his rude comments last time.

Rocco: Grrrrrrrrrrrrr!

On Saturday, I went fishing and bug-catching in the afternoon. I caught my first ocean sunfish! This thing is huge!

I caught an ocean sunfish! Don't look directly at it!

I also snagged my first longhorn beetle and jewel beetle! I donated all of my new catches to the museum. Now I just need five more fish and four more bugs.

Among other fish, I had a sweetfish in my pockets when I ran into Rocco. He offered me a blue tie-dye shirt for it, and I agreed to the trade. I didn’t put the shirt on, but I did something even better. I dragged it down to the corner to use it as my inventory background. It reminds me of ocean waves; perfect for summer!

The blue tie-dye shirt used as a background in Animal Crossing: Wild World.

Today, Mom sent me a letter talking about a fruit-only diet. There was a pear attached to the letter, and it was my first one. I planted it near Nookington’s.

Crazy Redd was in town, trying to sell me a solemn painting. I didn’t need that one. I solemnly swear Redd is up to no good.

When I spoke with Kiki, she told me that Jeremiah should make the first move on Margie. Of course, I didn’t even realize that Jeremiah lived here yet! I went to visit the new frog, but how does Kiki know all the gossip when he literally just moved in today?

Jeremiah: I walked far, with only the stars as my guide, and found myself in this town...

I like Jeremiah, so I’m happy to have him around. Welcome to Forest, froggie.