My First Gar

Saturday was La-Di-Day, and my newest neighbor Jeremiah croaked out a new song for me. I chose it as my new town tune.

Jeremiah sings a song for La-Di-Day.

Today, Crazy Redd was in town. He had a quaint painting for sale, but I didn’t need that one.

I did some bug-hunting and fishing, but more fishing. It was raining, so many of the normal bugs weren’t out. I made a number of valuable catches: Two atlas beetles (8,000 bells each), a barred knifejaw (5,000 bells), two red snappers (3,000 bells each), and a hammerhead shark (8,000 bells).

But my best catch of all was something that I had no intentions of selling: I caught my very first gar! Of course, I donated it to the museum. Just four more fish (and four bugs) to go!

I caught a gar! ...Nose like a GARden hose!

Baabara asked me to buy her Spanish shirt for 420 bells. I agreed to buy it, and as she handed it over, she told me she thought it was tacky.

Baabara: Thanks! I've been wanting to get rid of my tacky Spanish shirt!

It wasn’t the shirt I was thinking it was, so I didn’t keep it on. Oh well, at least it didn’t cost me much.

After selling my catches, I had enough money to make a 300,000 bell donation to Boondox. Phyllis thanked me for my generous donation, and she told me they can now afford rouge to highlight their cheekbones. I guess they can’t thank me face-to-face.

Phyllis: The lovely ladies of Boondox thank you for your generous d
D…onation, that is.

Phyllis: Now, instead of dirt, they can afford rouge to highlight their cheekbones.

Even though Crazy Redd didn’t cooperate, it was still a pretty successful night.

I’ve just posted a new Animal Crossing video featuring my favorite villagers for each letter of the alphabet. Only two of the clips are from Wild World, but I think any Animal Crossing fan can relate to this. I hope you enjoy it!