Green Thumb Winner

I played on Sunday to check on my flowers and water any wilties. I found another black tulip, so I moved it next to my other dark hybrids.

My final flower garden before Flower Fest 2019 judging.
Note: Kiki is not one of my dark hybrids.

Jeremiah was hoping he’d be the one to take home the sparkly trophy…in a pond.

Jeremiah: I tell you, I'd really like to take the sparkly trophy home, in a pond.

Yesterday, I checked my mail and…guess what? I got a letter from Mayor Tortimer, declaring me the Green Thumb! He judged my garden to be the best, and I won the Flower Fest for the first time! 😀

Flower Fest: Jeff has won the Green Thumb! Your garden really blew us away. Not a single flaw! -From Mayor Tortimer

Attached to the letter, I found a flower trophy! I didn’t even realize that Jeremiah was serious about the trophy. I put the flower trophy in my house.

Jeff stands next to his flower trophy for winning the Flower Fest and being named Green Thumb.

With that done, I put my hybrid flowers (at least my purple and black ones) back into storage for future use.

I played again tonight, and I noticed that my win was also posted to the bulletin board.

**Final Results** The biggest blossom of the Spring Flower Fest is Jeff's garden! Way to go!!
JVGS = Jeff’s Victorious Garden Site?

Big Top wanted to move out, and I changed his mind. Outside of town hall, Crazy Redd had a perfect painting for sale; I didn’t need it. It was a pretty average, uneventful Tuesday.

Bree was sick with a cold, so I gave her some medicine.

Bree: Hm... I'm feeling a little better, baconballs.

That’s all I have for now, but I hope you all enjoyed the Flower Fest! Max Powers already commented that he won his Flower Fest, so congrats to him! Anyone else win? Feel free to leave a comment and/or send me a picture of your winning gardens and maybe I’ll add it to this entry.

Have a great day!