Bug-Off, Red Turnips

I started up the game early this morning, and it was foggy in town.

Good morning! You came to play, did you?

I tracked down Joan, and I bought a pack of red turnip seeds from her for 1,000 bells. This was my first time buying red turnips in Wild World.

Joan: I've only just started raising stocks of red turnips...

I plan on using it to begin the trading process for the golden axe. But I also bought 400 white turnips from Joan, at 100 bells apiece.

Later on, I did something else I haven’t done yet in Wild World: I competed in the Bug-Off!

Tortimer: Buggy-wugs, buggy-mugs! Today's the official Forest Bug-Off!

I started off by catching a common butterfly, but it was only 57 mm long. Tortimer told me that Big Top currently held the lead with a 114-mm peacock butterfly. I caught a few more bugs, and soon Tortimer told me that Olivia now held the record with a 122-mm peacock. But I kept my eyes open for bugs as I played.

Benedict was all packed up and ready to move. After some consideration by my scrambled brain, I decided to let him go. He’s had a nice long stay in Forest (nearly two years), and I earned his picture last year. So there was really nothing else for him to accomplish here.

Benedict: I enjoyed my time here. But I have no choice. There's better food elsewhere...
Best of luck to you! Maybe I’ll see you in another life!

At Nookington’s, I bought an asteroid for my (overcrowded) space room.

Back outside, I spotted a big bug flying by: a birdwing butterfly! Fortunately, it was easy to catch.

I caught a birdwing butterfly! A green light in midair!

I took it over to Tortimer, and he measured it: 247 mm! I took over the lead in the Bug-Off, and he gave me an anatomical model as my prize.

Tortimer: Will the lovely prize of an anatomical model inspire you to victory?!
My body is ready!

I felt like I had a pretty good sized lead, so I stopped at that point (even though there was still more than an hour left in the competition). When I returned later (after 6 p.m.), Tortimer was already back inside town hall, so I guess I’ll find out in the mail tomorrow if I won or not. But I like my chances.

Since I have turnips to sell (and a red one to water), I’ll be playing more this week. I’m not sure which days I’ll be posting blog entries, but it’s safe to say this won’t be the only entry of the week. See you soon!

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