Hugh’s Mistake

On Monday, I was disappointed to find a goodbye letter from Hugh in the mail. 🙁

So, Jeff... I can't believe I'm moving! Sorry, but I need to move someplace with a 24-hour buffet! See ya! -Yours, Hugh
He always did like to pig out.

Not many villagers have grown on me as much as Hugh did. When he moved into Forest just five months ago, I was very neutral towards him. But I started to like him more and more, and he had become my third-favorite villager in town (behind just Bob and Butch). I’m sad to see him go. He’s made a hugh huge mistake by leaving town. 😛

Peanut asked me for a new catchphrase, and I told her to say “nutty.”

Peanut: Nutty! Nutty! Nutty! Nutty!

Today, Saharah was in town (on hump day, no less), and she wanted me to make some deliveries for her.

Saharah: All my addresses...gone! My deliveries!

I delivered packages to Pelly (for Phyllis), Blathers, and Tom Nook. Even though three deliveries is more than the two she normally asks for, it was made easier because of where she was standing. If you imagine a triangle connecting town hall, the museum, and Nookington’s, she was pretty much right in the center. So all three deliveries were extremely short walks.

Blathers: Hoo! Indeed, hootie hoo! I shall hazard a guess... From Saharah, eh wot?

When I was done, Saharah offered me a tropical vista or a sandlot. I chose the wallpaper.

2 thoughts on “Hugh’s Mistake”

  1. Awww, I’m sorry about Hugh!

    He really does have quite a cute design, probably one of the best piggy villager designs.

    Sounds like me back in the WAAAAY yonder years of early WW on the DS. Moe moved in and despite his funny teeth, he kind of stole my heart and became one of the villagers I love most in the series. 🙂
    He gave me a scare with saying he would move and I kept begging him to stay FOR OVER AN HOUR and he wouldn’t budge on it!
    What nearly was the Animal Crossing version of heartbreak (this Now had lived in that town since those waaaay many years ago of my childhood) actually had a happy ending… He moved, alright… Onto my recently purchased second copy of WW I had started up in that time I was itching to revisit the game! Thank goodness! 😸

    I realize writing this they both have the cool blue swirl design too! Sometimes those characters that might not br every bodies dreamies are just the best ones in their own way, different for eberyone, and that’s part of what makes the games magical in a way.
    I hope Hugh will visit you again one way or another across your towns of Forest!

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