Amazing Painting Luck

Today, Big Top suggested a new public works project: a camping cot.

Big Top: A camping cot! If you agreed to it, we could get one right here! Dumbo!This is what it looks like:

Camping cot PWP: 32,000 bells.Teddy was feeling better today, as I saw him going for a walk. He thanked me for the medicine I gave him the past three days and he rewarded me with a planter.

Teddy: Thanks for visiting me while I was under the weather, master!I got my amazing painting in the mail from Crazy Redd…and my lucky streak continues! It was a real painting once again! I donated it to the museum.

Description of amazing painting: A painting of a city militia that was found, after restoration of the work, to take place in the daylight.I’ve been incredibly lucky with paintings lately, but I know that won’t last forever. It’ll still take me years to finish the art section of the museum, just watch.

At the Dream Suite, Luna told me that Ashlee from Acrewood was my most recent dream visitor. Hi Ashlee!

Luna: According to the latest feedback, a client named Ashlee from Acrewood enjoyed your dream.And at T&T Emporium, Kidd asked a very good question: Where is the restroom? I told him that since the town is full of animals, we’re just supposed to go outside. Preferably behind Tabby’s house. At least that’s what I do.

Kidd: Do you know what floor the boys' restroom is on? ...Actually, does this town even have restrooms?And it’s been a while since I’ve given an update on my badges. They say a picture says a thousand words, so here is my current badge collection:

My badge collection as of October 23, 2013.