Monster Monday

Agent S invited me over to her house today, where she performed some experiments on me. Electricity was applied to my brain, and then a large, bony tentacle came towards me and…did things. Fortunately, a bucket near the foot of my “bed” allowed me to relieve myself.

Agent S performing experiments on me.Once I broke free, I ran to the east and crossed the bridge. I felt like a monster and I was afraid an angry mob of villagers was going to kill me, so I snuck into a tent at the campsite. Inside, I found Velma, of the Scooby Doo gang! Is she here because someone reported a loose Frankenjeff? Was she going to ghostbust me?

Velma and Frankenjeff at the campsite.Fortunately, it turns out she was just on vacation. I guess she didn’t notice how shaggy I had become. Still, I didn’t stick around long.

Velma: I'd like camping a whole lot more if I didn't have to sleep in a sleeping bag like this.I don’t know exactly what Agent S did to me, but the effect was starting to wear off as I walked through the rain. I was feeling human once again…at least externally. But my mental state was still causing me to do strange things–like speak to Cally.

Cally: Good evening, Jeff! If you go jumping into puddles, be sure to dry off later.Maybe seeing her face smacked me back into reality. I was beginning to feel like my normal self again. But I’m going to be more careful the next time Agent S invites me over to her house.

I went up to the Dream Suite to update my dream town. While I was there, Luna told me that Marcia from Lumina was my most recent dream visitor.

Later on, Merka came over to buy a painting from Crazy Redd. I also gave her a bubble wand I got from a StreetPass hit today. But she started throwing beans at me! So naturally, I got my own beans out and threw them right back at her! Getting hit with beans makes a person’s eyes get bigger/wider. But Merka’s eyes already look big and wide to begin with; hitting her with beans just makes them pop out even more.

Merka reacts to being hit by beans.I noticed that the flowers kind of “bounce” when they get hit by beans too. I like the small details in the game like that.

Throwing beans at flowers. I'm weird like that.Merka didn’t feel like touring (not with beans in her eyes), so I just ended the session.

Tom (the cat) asked me to return an item to Cally for him. Wait, so I have to speak to her again?

I took her the item, and it turned out she had already bought a new one to replace it. She sold me the item (a blue tartan tee) for a couple hundred bells. When I told Tom what happened, he said he should have kept it himself!

Tom: Huh? Cally didn't remember leaving it? If I knew that, I'd have just kept it! GAHAHA!

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