Getting Ready for Winter

Late on Saturday night, I spotted some snow flurries in town. Winter is coming!20151206_HNI_0004Yesterday, Rolf told me he wanted to move out of town on December 11th. (Not a chance, bud). And Curlos the sheep was camping at the campsite, insisting that he’s not anyone suspicious.

20151206_HNI_0012The mere fact that you’re telling me you’re not suspicious makes you suspicious!

After making a delivery to Daisy today, she gave me her picture as a reward. She even called it a “good find.” As if she found her own picture at the flea market and thought “Wow, that dog is gorgeous!

20151207_HNI_0021I decided to start getting ready for winter by changing the look of my main room. I got my ice furniture out of storage and set it up. Now I won’t have to hear any complaints about Halloween being way over.

20151207_HNI_002220151207_HNI_0023And even though snow isn’t covering the ground yet–at least for a few more days–I’ve decided to go on and place down my frosty brick ice path. If you visit, be careful not to slip!
