Back to Night Owl

A message posted on the bulletin board today informed me that a large snow storm is expected for tomorrow. I’m looking forward to it!

20151209_HNI_0051Pashmina told me she was going to move out of town on December 13th so that she could play some turf wars in another game town. I told her she’s stuck here.

20151209_HNI_0053Forest’s other goat was being more agreeable. Velma was sitting on the town bench, enjoying the nice day. She asked me to join her, so I did. For a few seconds, at least.

20151209_HNI_0054When I went to visit Rolf, I was surprised to see Dizzy was also hanging out with the white tiger. Even though it’s a sunny day, it’s still a bit cold out–so hanging out indoors isn’t a bad idea.

That's not why I'm here.
That’s not why I’m here.

Down by my zen garden, I placed down a black rose. The reason that’s significant? I have now completed a full circle around town with my gold and black roses. All my paths are now lined with them! I’ll still need to turn the black roses into gold ones, but I should now have all the flowers I need!

20151209_HNI_0059Toy Day is coming up later this month, and a couple of my villagers have started to tell me what gifts they would like. Daisy wants something red, and Velma wants something green.

20151209_HNI_0060When I was done with my tasks around town, I headed over to town hall to do some work as mayor for a change. With the impending snow storm and my completion of the rose-lined paths, now is the perfect time to switch back to the night owl ordinance. I shouldn’t have to do much flower-watering with the coming snow–and when it doesn’t snow, that will allow my black flowers to wilt. Then I can water them with the gold can to turn them gold. The new ordinance will also be helpful with Friday Night Forest coming up in two days.

20151209_HNI_0063And while I was there, I pretended that I wanmapted to tear down a public works project. That way, I could easily take an updated screenshot of my map for my town page.

I’ll be back with another entry late on Friday Night. If you haven’t yet seen my post about the Animal Crossing 2016 wall calendar, please give it a look. See you next time!