New Gold Roses

On Saturday night, I found the entrance to the Reset Center open. I headed down for a visit, but Resetti wasn’t in the mood to chat.

20151213_HNI_0056Velma the goat said that her feet were freezing. She asked if I had any fuzzy boots she could borrow! Nah.

20151213_HNI_0058There was no snow on Saturday, so that means I had a bunch of wilted black roses yesterday. I got my golden watering can out and watered them.

20151214_HNI_0068So today, I had a nice big batch of new gold roses. Along with new wilted black roses. I think the bulk of the rose transformation is going to be a relatively quick process.

20151214_HNI_0075My snowmam from Friday was on her last legs ball, so I built a new one over by the face-cutout standee.

20151214_HNI_0073I remembered that I need a Santa outfit for Toy Day, so I headed into Re-Tail and Kicks. I was able to buy the Santa boots and Santa pants today.

20151214_HNI_0077I don’t think I’m going to succeed at the Toy Day festivities, though. I’ve only received two out of 20 possible gift hints from my villagers. Are you guys ready for Toy Day?

Up at the Dream Suite today, Luna told me that Jim from O’Fallon was my most recent dream visitor. Thanks for stopping by!