Snowy Hide and Seek

Agent S told me she was going to move out of town on December 24th! Is she trying to be a grinch? Maybe I need to tie her tail to a tree. You’re not going anywhere, squirrel-friend!

20151222_HNI_0089Rolf gave me a Toy Day hint, telling me he wants something orange. Let me guess…an orange?

20151222_HNI_0090These are the Toy Day hints I have so far:

  • Daisy: red plants
  • Dizzy: clothes
  • Rolf: something orange
  • Velma: something green

That’s it. I’m so going to fail at Toy Day this year. But it’s no big deal, really. I successfully completed the event last year, after all.

Anyway, I built a new snowmam today and she was perfect. I immediately redeemed six snowflakes for two ice furniture items. And then we all went Christmas caroling.

20151222_HNI_0094Velma asked me to play a game of hide-and-seek in the snow, and I said yes. I had ten minutes to find two goats and a tiger.

20151222_HNI_0096I was thinking this would be a good time for Rolf, if he had wanted, to eat the goats. When they never showed up, he could just feign innocence and say maybe they were really good at hiding. Or maybe I’m just weird. 😛 Anyway, my theory was quickly proven wrong as I found Pashmina and Velma hiding behind trees. Rolf, however, didn’t pick out the best hiding spot: He was standing behind his own house!

20151222_HNI_0003Velma congratulated me on winning the game. She gave me a green wardrobe as my prize.

Up at Able Sisters today, they finally had the Santa hat on sale. Now I’m ready to fool my villagers on Christmas Eve.

20151222_HNI_0005Speaking of Christmas Eve, I will be back with another entry then. We’ll see how bad I mess up this Toy Day event. 😛

By the way, I’ve put up a new blog entry about the Desert Island Escape mode in Animal Crossing: Amiibo Festival for Wii U. Unlike the regular board game, the Desert Island Escape mode is actually quite fun. Don’t be fooled by its initials (D.I.E.). 😛 It’s over on Jeff’s Gaming Blog. If you don’t know, that’s where I post about games that I don’t have specific blogs for already. I’ll also be posting there about any game(s) I may get for Christmas.

Happy holidays and I’ll see you Thursday!

Winter Solstice

Today is the winter solstice, the shortest day of the year (in terms of sunlight in the northern hemisphere). Animal Crossing takes this fact and exaggerates it to the extreme: The sun doesn’t rise at all in New Leaf today! It’s dark all day long.

20151221_HNI_006920151221_HNI_0074Since it’s such a special day, Isabelle can be found at the event plaza handing out gifts. She gave me this glow wand. Wait, what am I? A Santa fairy? Santa doesn’t need a magic wand to perform his magic!

20151221_HNI_0077 There’s also a special face-cutout standee for the occasion. Look at me, I’m ice skating!

20151221_HNI_0078Wouldn’t that be a cool addition for a future game, though? Imagine if some of the ponds froze over in winter (like they do in some Harvest Moon games). And then you could either walk across them to reach new areas available only in winter, or maybe you could buy some skates and go ice skating! Well, it’s nice to dream.

I seem to be losing my touch at making perfect snowmams lately. Yesterday, I ended up making a snowboy by mistake. And today, I made a snowmam…but not a perfect one. So this one wants five snowflakes for ice furniture. I’ll try again tomorrow.

20151221_HNI_0081While digging up a gyroid, I spotted a hidden lost item (a bag) behind a tree. If not for that gyroid, I never would have noticed it! I asked my villagers about it, and it took me a while…but I eventually goat got it back to its owner.


Velma rewarded me with a subdued-print tee. Here are a few other quick notes about things going on in Forest lately:

  • I recently got my bank account balance up to 57 million bells.
  • Still no sign of the Santa hat at Able Sisters.
  • My recent dream visitors were Levi from Greenvil and Timber from Xing.
  • Pashmina told me that she was recently sick, but nobody visited her to give her any medicine. Oops!

Thank you for visiting and I’ll see you next time. Happy holidays! 🙂

First Igloo of Winter

I recently StreetPassed Sqankey from Sweetlip. She had all red walls and floors in some rooms of her house. It’s a simple look, and yet quite unique. I like it.

20151216_HNI_0025Last night, after picking up a Santa coat at Able Sisters, I spotted the first igloo of the season. The igloos are quite beautiful in New Leaf.

New Leaf iglooHans was inside, telling me that he’s not suspicious. Then why do you have a huge pot of chowder when you’re in here solo, Hans? That’s suspicious to me. 20151218_HNI_0033

I sampled the chowder, and it was chewy! It almost forced me to luke puke!

Later on, I watched a balloon present float past my house and in front of the moon. I never bother shooting them down any more (no need for balloon furniture), but I do enjoy taking pictures of them flying by.

20151218_HNI_0040My villagers have given me a couple more hints for Toy Day lately: Daisy wants some plants and Dizzy wants some clothes.

20151218_HNI_0044The Able Sisters shop had the Santa beard today, so I bought it. All I need now is the hat! Ho-ho-how do I look?

20151218_HNI_0048My recent dream visitors have been Timber from Xing (Wednesday), Ash from Pallet (yesterday), and Chiib from Tahkitu (today). Thank you all for visiting. I hope you all have a great weekend! I’ll see you next time!