Sunday Happenings

Today is Sunday, which means the weekly letter from the HRA. I don’t really care about what the HRA says, but they gave me a score of 93,900 points.

Hey! Jeff! Your room earned 93,900 points. Bang! Your space? Comfy. Quaint. Livable. All that. Ol' Lyle wants to get himself a piece'a that action. -From the HRA. Bang.Another Sunday occurrence is a new set of emotions at the theater in the city. I’m really only interested in the Frillard emotions now, but there were none of those this week.

Clerk: What show would you like to see today?Back in Forest, I watered my flowers and found one new black rose. I decided to move even more of my golden roses to my dead end. I thought if I fill it in completely with gold roses (not just along the paths), it gets more of them safe and out of the way. Also, that will keep any weeds from popping up in that area, so I won’t need to go down that way at all in my daily walks.

A bunch of gold roses on my dead end in ACCF.