A Visit From Yann and Jon

At 10:00, I opened my gate and Yann came in to visit. I also spotted Saharah, who was in town looking for old carpets. So I went around asking all of my animals, but only Bob gave me one.

Bob: Uh huh huh! Doing good stuff makes you feel good, too, in bed!I only had one other old carpet in storage, so I was still short of the three required for a rare carpet.

Anyway, Yann and I were discussing Anabelle and her species. Yann questioned whether Anabelle was an anteater because her tail isn’t fluffy like the other anteaters in the game. Anyway, Yann eventually said Anabelle’s butt was cute… 😮 (Her?!) So then Yann was… well I’m not exactly sure what she was doing to poor Anabelle.

Yann, standing by Anabelle's butt: One more. Jeff: You were all over that.Yann then remembered she wanted to talk to Celeste at my observatory so that she could get one of my constellations in her town.

Yann looks through the telescope at the observatory.She ended up choosing my “orange” constellation.

Around 10:55, Jon came in. I hadn’t seen him since last August. As we were talking, Yann started watering me with her watering can. Then Jon joined in, too. I joked that I would need to start wearing a diaper. Yann told me I needed to change my diaper, so I went into Bob’s house. To my surprise, he was talking about it being his pants-free day.

Bob: Today is my chill-at-home day, or, as I like to call it, Pants-Free Day.As we were still joking around about diapers…and kitty litter…I heard a noise. Someone fell into one of my pitfall traps! It was Jon.

Jon, after just falling into a pitfall: LOL.Jon joked that falling into the pitfall gave him a boo boo, so Yann suggested buying some medicine. He did indeed go inside Nook’s and bought some medicine. I re-buried the pitfall seed in the same spot. As soon as Jon came back out, he fell into the pitfall again!

Jon stuck in a pitfall.Jon still had Yann’s watering can attacks on his mind though, as his bulletin board post proves.

Breaking News! Keep on the look out of YANN! She cannot control her bladder and marks her territory on anything and everything! RUN!!!!!!! -JonWe went fishing in the pond, even though there was nothing there to catch. It made for a good photo opportunity.

Yann, Jon, and Jeff fishing in a pond.But then Anabelle came by and started sniffing my head. I didn’t have any ants on my head, so I don’t know what her problem was. I wasn’t the one all over her butt earlier.

Anabelle sneaks up behind Yann, Jon, and Jeff at the pond.Soon after, I hit a rock with a shovel and caught a pill bug. As I held the pose, Yann and Jon attempted to beat me senseless. But the joke was on them; I was senseless to begin with.

I caught a pill bug! Why don't you chill, bug?We went into Egbert’s house for a while. Jon said Egbert was his favorite; I said Egbert was my dinner. After we were done in there, Jon went walking down the path…and fell into another pitfall!

Jon in another pitfall.We hung out and talked for a while, but then I closed the gate shortly after midnight.