Friday Night Forest

In the city tonight, I saw two camouflaged frogs, Camofrog and Drift.

Standing next to Camofrog and Drift near the fountain in the city.Back in town, I opened my gate for Friday Night Forest. Yann and Megan came over to visit. We did some shopping at the Able Sisters’ shop.

Megan, Jeff, and Yann posing near several sold-out signs in Able Sisters.At 11:00, Chris tried to come in. But it was taking a long time, and we ended up looking at this screen for several minutes:

Saving... Please do not touch the Power Button or RESET.We eventually chrisconnected disconnected. I reopened my gate and Yann and Megan both returned. Apparently Chris gave up, since he didn’t try again.

We talked about Animal Crossing 3DS for a while, and then Megan witnessed Eloise put something away. I didn’t notice at the time, but I checked the video and she put away her fishing rod. I don’t think I’ve noticed animals do that before. Maybe I just don’t pay them much attention.

We went into my house and we were discussing food and restaurants. Megan started “making beats” by punching my jukebox dancing to the music. Eventually, we all joined in.

Jeff, Megan, and Yann try to dance to the music.We went upstairs and I mentioned how my distressed gyroid was all upset about his dog. He wondered why his dog doesn’t respond to him any more. “Talk to me buddy, please!!”

A gyroid appears to be talking to a creepy skeleton.We later went outside and had a good old-fashioned net fight.

Jeff, Megan, and Yann attack each other with nets.Later on, Domi came over to visit. I hadn’t seen her in a very long time. She wasn’t saying much, and just started fishing.

While Yann was away, Megan helped me push her into a pitfall.

Yann flips out of a pitfall.A little bit later, I saw a black rose was missing. It probably got killed accidentally, but I reset the game so I didn’t lose it. When I reopened, Yann and Megan returned, but Domi didn’t.

Megan and Yann send empty speech bubbles.After some odd conversations, Yann asked me about the watering cans. The regular watering can only waters one space of course, but the silver and gold cans water a total of 9 spaces. I placed down some patterns to illustrate it. If you water the Triforce with the silver or gold watering can, the star patterns would also be watered.

Watering a black Triforce pattern that is surrounded on all sides by eight white star patterns.

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