Blue Bricks

I took the bus to the city today, and I saw my former neighbor Frankengaga Francine there.

Francine: I wanted to talk fashion!Then, I went into the theater to check this week’s emotions. I was disappointed by the lack of Frillard emotions once again.

Clerk: What show would you like to see today?After riding the bus back to Forest, Avery asked me to deliver a package to Del for him.

Avery: OK, so we're set. Just walk this over to Del's place, in the air!I found Del by the Able Sisters, and I gave him the package. It was a biwa lute.

Del: A biwa lute? That takes me back. Avery's got a memory like an elephant!I returned to Avery, and he gave me a white boom box for completing the delivery.

Avery: Uh, I really appreciate the help. You're a stand-up human! I guess most humans stand up, though...I finished watering my flowers, but I didn’t find any new black roses today.

Then I started looking through my patterns and began experimenting with the gold brick pattern. I decided to make it blue instead. I like how it turned out and I’m considering using it as my path all over town. What do you all think? Do you like it or no? Please leave a comment below. Here’s a picture of it.

My blue brick path in Forest.

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