Bye Bye Black Sheep

I got a goodbye letter from Eunice in the mail today. She moved out of town this morning.

Dear jeff, Today's my last day. I'm leaving Forest. Good-bye, Jeff. I hope you won't forget me! -Take care, Eunice♪ Bye bye black sheep, to ewe and all your wool.
Yes sir, yes sir, my town’s no longer full. ♪

I ran into Avery over by town hall, and he told me something hard to believe. He said that Agent S has been destroying his flower garden! Agent S wouldn’t do that! Not to mention, Avery doesn’t even have a flower garden!

Avery: The other day, that dope Agent S completely trashed a bunch of the flowers I've been growing.Saharah was in town today, looking for old wallpaper.

Saharah: When you have old wallpaper, we talk again.I went around and asked my villagers, but Rowan was the only animal to have any wallpaper for me. And I only had one in storage, so I didn’t have enough to get a rare wallpaper this time.

I found two new black roses on my walk around town. As for my goal of lining all my paths with gold roses, I wouldn’t be surprised if it still takes me another year to have enough.