Packaged Cookie

In an act of defiance, I rolled up a large snowball and hurled it into the ocean from whence it came.

Pushing a large snowball into the ocean.I found Saharah in town, looking for old wallpaper.

Saharah: I want old wallpaper! I give to you lovely new ones.So I started asking around. When I got to Cookie’s house, I saw that she’s all packed up and ready to move out.

Cookie: Champ! I've been waiting for you! I totally wanted to thank you for all the help you gave me.Octavian was the only animal who had wallpaper for me. But that turned out to be okay, because I had two of them in storage. So I took the three of them together back to Saharah, and she gave me a classroom wall. It wasn’t one I needed, and it wasn’t one I wanted either. Oh well.

The classroom wall on display in my house.